Thursday 31 May 2018

ReflectionT2 W5


uhh I may or may not have forgotten to do a reflection until Friday.... oops 

todayy we had Assembly in the morning and then we listened and marked some speeches. then in Maths, we COOKED A TV!!!!!!! YAAAAYYYYY. after morning tea we had French and then listened to some more speeches. after lunch we had Music and now I am writing this and we are about to listen to Jamie's speech BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Thursday 24 May 2018

reflection T2 W4


HAHAHHAHAHAHHA I forgot to do my reflection until Friday... Sorry...

so here we go
todayyyyyy we started off the day with assembly and then literacy / writing and then maths, after morning tea we had French and then we worked on reading. after lunch we had music and now I am writing thisss, I don't know what to write so this is all you're going to get!!! baiiiiiii

Thursday 17 May 2018

reflection T2 W3


today we had chapel and then maths, in maths I worked on my 3d house design. after maths we had literacy/writing and during that time we worked on our speeches. we then had morning tea. after morning tea we had technology during tech we finished our sign, I thought it looked really good. then we had lunchtime. drama was next and we all practised as a big group and then went off into our subgroups to practise more. we had Christian education next and we watched more of the movie. we went back to our homeroom and wrote our diaries, we then went home

(oops i forgot)

Todayyyyy was a fixture, so most of the people in our class were not there and we alsoo had 8CH join our class. this morning we had library and then a gap for about 20 mins which was the time we used to work on our speeches a little bit. we then did P.E. during pe we started off in the gym where we split the remaining people into two groups and kinda played a game of catch where the first team to get five passes wins, we then went outside and tried to play a game of frisbee but it started raining so we went into the IRC to play. the rest of the day kind of went past as a blur. we had maths except it wasn't maths because of the fixture so we just played a couple of maths riddles? (is that the right word, idk) then we just worked on our speeches until lunch. after lunch we had science and this science lesson was kind of just a catch up lesson. then we all went home and now im writing this because it is due on friday!!!

Todayyyyy Mr B was away ;-; so we had lots of different teachers look after our class!! the whole first block we stayed in class and we had an ESATLE test during that time (not the whole time just an hour) 
and then after morning tea, we had maths and then syndicate assembly. after lunch, we had art and pottery and then we had after-school sport. (my hockey team was in the IRC AGAIN!!!!! ;-; )

this morning we had Assembly and then literacy/writing and then we had maths, in maths, we did a test and it fried my brain. after morning tea we had french and we got put into groups for the play 'three little pigs' and then we worked on our speeches. after lunch we had music and now im writing this because its friday!!!!!! plus today i had TEAAAA!!!!!!