Thursday 1 June 2017

usain bolt

Usain Bolt

“No worries mama” usain called as he sped to school “hey, wait you forgot your lunch” his mum called after him usain sped off deaf to his mother's calls.“not gonna be late, not gonna be late, not gonna be late” he chanted on his way to school he jumped up on a fence right next to a table and disturbed two men's card game “hey boy what’s the matter with you” one man called after him usain didn't hear him and carried on speeding off to school while he was running he scored a ball for a soccer team and blew some papers out of the p.e. teacher’s hand “wow” the teacher muttered under his breath. usain arrived in his class and said “yes, right on time no worries” as time went on he slowly got bored of being stuck in the classroom and fell asleep. The lunch bell rang and usain realised he’d forgotten his lunch “aw man my lunch” he said then he slowly wandered outside he sniffed in a breath of air and caught the smell of the same p.e. Teachers lunch then carried on and flopped down onto the steps the teacher looked up and saw usain sitting there with no lunch and came over to him “usain right, you know i don't think i'll be able to eat all of this you want it?” usains stomach grumbled “haha, okay then you can have it, if you beat him in a race” usain said “race, HIM?” the teacher said “come on only here to that tree” rather daunted usain replied “uhhh, okay” usain called out “oh my gosh yes i just beat you, i win i win i win” the teacher said “okay okay here’s your long struck star, you know you're good but if you want to be great you're going to have to take this more seriously”.

“And here comes the teenage sensation usain bolt speeding down the stretch, oh my god look at this kid. Usain bolt is on his way the other men try to follow him the best they can, nobody. This kid stays absolutely incredible across the finish line.” “ WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN” spectators shout out trophies pile up like doubts a newspaper headline reads ‘jamaica's hopes rest on bolt’ as he walks out his worries are like dark hands reach out to touch him and he’s consumed by darkness. The door opens and his mother comes in “what’s the matter usain”
“what if i don't win?” usain asks “what if you don't win? Since when did you become so serious boy?” “don't let me go dear mama please” he begged she sighed “look at yourself usain, you're worried about the big race, worried about the big crowd out there, so many worries on your mind that you forgot which shoe goes on which foot. Maybe you forgot who you are too? I mean the boy i know has no worries because all worries ever do is weigh you down, usain you have to remember, you can always go faster when you keep it light. You see”
“Okay no worries mama” he runs as if he’s in the clouds leaving behind lightning bolts as he goes “usain bolt strikes yet again”

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